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Donate today through Paypal and watch your donation multiply as it changes the lives of people in need and helps create a tipping point for sustainability and social equality.

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Donate today through Paypal and watch your donation multiply as it changes the lives of people in need and helps create a tipping point for sustainability and social equality.

Why are donations not all directly toward a charitable programs?


There are two sides to this answer. One being that charitable giving can create long term damage and unsustainable. For example if we give food then farmers will not be able to sell there food when people get it for free. The other being that wealth inequality is raising because of compounding interest. Each year businesses with unsustainable practices make huge financial gains from exploiting employees and the environment and each year more donations are needed to combat these problems. The fast growing inequality gab and environmentally impacts are compounding while many issues worsen despite the efforts of many charities. Creating long-term revenue growth will not only allow us to invest more into combating global issues but also to set an example of the ability to create larger long term economic growth by investing in sustainability and social equality.


Where will the donations go?


Half of all donations will be invested in businesses making the greatest impact toward social-environmental change.
A quarter will go directly toward project making the greatest impact toward social-environmental change.
A quarter will go directly toward individuals below the poverty line in the form of micro-financing to empower them toward long term financial success.


How will my donation help save tomorrow?


Lets brake it down into three examples of How to Save Tomorrow will use donations.

Abc Solar corp

Abc Solar corp produces 1,000,000 gallons of waste water manufacturing their solar panels. They are seeking $500,000 to improve water efficiency and save 800,000 gallons of water a year. Each dollar is now saving 1.6 gallons of water a year and  with 6% annual growth in 20 years will save 32 gallons and triple the amount of funds for other projects. That’s right a donation of $100 could become $300 and save 3,200 Gallons of water.

John Dow

John Dow a father in San Diego who was just found work for the first time in a year living off welfare he is unable to afford transportation and he does not have the time or support to ride public transportation and still get his kids to and from school. John is seeking $2,000 for an automobile, registration and insurance and will qualify for $50 gas subsidy from the calworks program. Within 4 months John is completely off welfare and within 3 years he is able to to repay the loan with interest accounting for $2,220. Saving tax payers $24,000 in welfare payments.

Jane Dow

Jane Dow lives in a small village in Africa and grows tomatoes at her farm but ends of giving a lot away because her community has more then enough tomatoes. However the more populated town 5 miles away is willing to pay well for them. She is seeking $500 for a cart and bike to transport her tomatoes and other produce from her community which will save her time and allow her to sell greater quantities then she could have on foot. Her family of six are thriving along with others in her community and she repaid the cart after 2 years with interest accounting for $555.
 How will I know where my donation goes?


Our unique donation tracking system will allow you to see how your donation has impacting global change every step of the way. Enter the code you receive after your donation on our website and see how your donation was divided among our multi-pronged efforts. See how your donation grows not only in value but in it’s effect on society and the environment over time.
What programs and businesses will htst distribute funds to?


The businesses, charities and projects that we support are listed under our projects page in the amounts outlined in our bylaws to fulfill our mission and objectives.

Donate Now

Donate today through Paypal and watch your donation multiply
as it changes the lives of people in need and helps create a
tipping point for sustainability and social equality.