Evident Truths and Who We are

Evident Truths and Who We are

30 billion end world hunger 90% 10 billion global transportation and energy grid 20% 10 billion global education 5 billion ocean clean up barges 5 billion agile coordination for global infrastructure 60 billion…. Seems like a lot but 200 billion for over seas...
The Facts About the Current Situation

The Facts About the Current Situation

We all want to make the world a better place and many of us are fighting to make it that way but when 95% of the wealth of the world is possessed by 5% of the population what can the other 95% of us really do to help?  The larger the charity the more they can do but...
Evident Truths and Who We are

Annual donations

Consider that over 350 billion is donated to charities each year. With proper allocation that is already more than enough to solve 80% of the world’s biggest problems within 10 years